Breast Augmentation–What Is It and Why You Should Get It

What Is It?

Breast Augmentation is a surgical option to change the shape, size, or fullness of your breasts. It’s also called augmentation mammoplasty and usually used for cosmetic purposes, although it may be done as part of treatment for breast cancer.


Who Does It?

A plastic surgeon will perform the surgery.

People who get surgery often do it for a variety of different reasons. These reasons include improving your confidence, making one breast match the other in size if they’re uneven (which is really common), having them look better after pregnancy, and correcting uneven sizes after other surgeries. You must be eighteen to do so and health insurance will likely not cover it unless it’s done after a mastectomy (removal of one or both breasts, usually due to breast cancer).


What Are the Benefits?

Your confidence will likely be restored. Maybe it’ll encourage you to go shopping with friends or improve your dating life or your relationship, all because you feel better about your body. Ask any woman with small breasts and I promise you she likely has a story about being teased growing up for having smaller breasts. Maybe she was called a boy or made fun of in the locker room during gym by other girls. Sometimes those emotional scars can be hard to heal and using breast augmentation may be one way to do it.

Your sex life may be improved. As mentioned above, your self-confidence may be shot and if it’s shot, your sex life may be too. Maybe you don’t feel attractive anymore. Maybe you keep seeing all the pretty women and feel like you can’t even begin to measure up. Maybe your partner, if you have one, continually reassures you that you are attractive to them and they want to sleep with you but nothing gets through your head. Breast augmentation, along with learning self-love, may help tremendously.


Post-pregnancy breasts will look better. Your breasts may need some help after pregnancy. Some women get pregnant and have bigger breasts for the rest of the time, long after they may need them for breastfeeding. Others are not so lucky and their breasts may deflate and sag after breastfeeding is over. It isn’t your fault and breast augmentation can help.


Your weight loss will encompass all of you, including your breasts. You have lost weight and your breasts have changed. Weight loss can affect your breasts because breasts are fat. Weight loss means your breasts may sag or have gotten disproportionate and your body isn’t quite sure what to do. Breast augmentation can make things better.


Your clothes will fit better. All too often shopping for shirts and dresses isn’t pleasant because of how your breasts look. I’ve had to turn down many pretty things due to my breasts and it always makes me sad. Getting a breast augmentation will lessen the chance of this happening.


You’ll look younger and more youthful. If you’re in your twenties and considering this then great! You’ll continue looking young. If you’re thirty or older getting breast augmentation can make you look younger and not be an older woman who struggles with accepting their natural breasts the way they are now.

Your body shape will make more sense. I’ve run into this plenty of times and have experienced this myself. Your body changes and things happen and the next thing you know your body is not what it used to be. Getting a breast augmentation will help give your body shape.


Speaking of shape, getting a breast augmentation is a great motivator for staying or getting in shape! Your breasts will look great so why shouldn’t the rest of you? You can start by eating healthier while your body is healing from the surgery. Make sure you wait enough time after your surgery and get cleared to begin exercising before you start this but can you imagine? You can look like those pretty people on tv who are all shiny and by getting implants you’re already somewhat there! Of course, maybe you just want to get and stay in shape, and that’s completely okay too.


Contact The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Cleveland to consult for your breast augmentation today!